Counseling for Couples
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou
“Love must be learned again and again; there is no end to it.” – Author unknown

Making the decision to seek couples counseling takes courage. Usually, counseling results from repeated feelings of frustration and helplessness. Often, blame and anger have replaced acceptance and harmony. Counseling allows for a comfortable, guided and knowledgeable perspective on how the partnership is functioning and what can be done to enhance contentment for both members. Healthy relationships take tremendous effort. In order to “get along”, individuals are challenged to develop new communication skills. Learning how to honestly communicate emotions, thoughts, opinions and beliefs to the other requires risk-taking, patience and commitment. Couple counseling paves the path to greater joy, understanding and hope by honoring one another in the healing and restoration process.
Some ingredients in a healthy relationship…
- Being loyal to the relationship
- Mutual deep respect
- Ability for self-reflection and introspection
- Celebrating each other's individuality
- Graceful forgiveness
- Sincere commitment to honesty
- Supporting one another’s meaning and purpose
- Patient, open and courageous sharing about intimacy needs
- Dedicated to the health of the relationship
- Willingness to go inward, take responsibility for one's decisions
and feelings and acknowledge old wounds - Able to laugh and have fun
“There is no remedy for love but to love more.”
– Henry David Thoreau